In this week, we are going to make the Interview with Ko Ye Naing Htun who is the Founder of May Myo Pure Coffee.
1. We would like to begin the interview with some biographical information. Can you please let me know about yourself ?
My name is Ye Naing Tun. I am the founder of May Myo Pure Coffee. I graduated with B.A (Eng).
2. When did you become the Founder of May Myo Pure Coffee and How did you start it ?
As I’ve always been very fond of drinking coffee and I prefer to have our local coffee instead of imported one. And I would like to produce our local coffee with a premium quality and would like to introduce to local market and promote to international’s markets too.
So I implemented “May Myo Pure Coffee” production on 1 Jan 2017.
3. What are the main products of your company/business ?
The main products are –
a. Whole Bean
b. Coarse Ground
c. Fine Ground
d. Drip Coffee
4. Do you have factory or workshop by your own in Myanmar?
I have my own farming and factory in Pyin Oo Lwin (formely May Myo).
5. What’s are the main challenges you face as a Myanmar Manufactures?
Currently we have some problems of Packaging materials. It is difficult to get the good quality of packaging materials in Myanmar.
6. Are you exporting to other countries?
I am not exporting to other countries yet. But we will do very soon.
7. Do you have oversea Exports, Imports, Overseas Buyers and Partners?
Currently, I do not have.
8. Do you want to say anything to our Web Portal?
I am really appreciated for your promoting our Myanmar Products and interviewing about May Myo Pure Coffee Products.